Disco Ball Light Fixture

Instructions on how I made disco ball inspired light for my entry way.

Materials used include cardboard, masking tape, saran wrap, paintable silicone, paint brush, expanding foam, acrylic paint, clear gorilla glue, mirror squares.

Draw an out line of the shape you want. Then cut out that outline and the space for the electrical light base. Build up the base model to the exact 3D shape you want. Make sure there is enough space for the light bulb.

Use masking tape to cover the model until it resembles a dinosaur foot.

Cover in saran wrap to prep for the paintable silicone.

This is the stuff I used. Cost $23 at Michaels with the 30% off coupon that’s always available online.

Put the model on parchment paper for easy clean up. Then brush the silicone on according to instructions. The silicone paints on white and dries a transparent yellow. This size of mould to one jar and 8 coats. Each coat took a day to dry.

Easily peel of the mould and prop it up using soup cans. The picture above shows how I messed up and used the mould inside out. Make sure your mould is the right way.

This is the expanding foam I used. It’s much more simple than the two part foam at art stores.

Spray in layers to allow expansion and drying. Only remove from the mould once fully dry.

Trim excess foam to desired final shape.

Paint desired colour. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look perfect. It will be covered anyway.

I highly recommend gluing the mirror squares as the sticker backs will be over powered by gravity.

Tediously glue on hundreds (about 500) tiny mirror squares. But after this gruelling part, you’re done. Just put in the basic light fixture and glue the disco ball to the ceiling. Screw in the bulb. Stand back and admire your work.


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What I’m Into Vol 1